Thanksgiving Puzzle Freebie
Do you still have school this week, right up until Thanksgiving? Are you looking for some free math puzzle printables with a Thanksgiving theme? Then you have come to the right place!
I created a set of four fun algebraic reasoning puzzles for my kids to work on during the days leading up to Thanksgiving Break, and every year they are a hit!
These free activities keep the kids focused and working hard during the exciting days leading up to Thanksgiving break.
In the 2 mobile balance puzzles the kids need to determine the value of each Thanksgiving symbol on the mobile to make the mobile perfectly balanced
For the 2 Symbol Sums puzzles the kids need to determine the value of each Thanksgiving symbol so that the columns and rows add up to the totals given.
Kids don’t even realize they are doing math because they just hear the word puzzle, and they love puzzles!
I plan to use these puzzles again this year as morning work and as a fun, but still academic, end of the day activity on Wednesday afternoon.
Your students might also enjoy these algebra puzzles, so I thought I would pass along the link to download them for FREE!
Head on over to my Teachers Pay Teachers shop to download this set of four algebraic reasoning puzzles for FREE!
Happy Thanksgiving!